The best rental rates in Southern California! All of our aircraft maintain a high level of maintenance. Our professional flight instructors are rated in all airplanes and will help you find the airplane that is best suited for you (if you are new to flying). Unlike other flight schools, all of our prices are wet and represent the final rate! There are no hidden costs (no club fees, no fuel surcharge, no tax, etc.). Pilots have the options to pay in advance for 10 hours (cash or check) to receive the block rate that is listed below. Furthermore, all active military personnel automatically qualify for our military discount. With the best maintained airplanes at the best rates, why would you go anywhere else?
NOTE FOR RENTER PILOTS: In order to rent our aircraft, pilots will have to go through a standard checkout with one of our flight instructors. This includes a short flight, as well as the completion of the “Pilot Information & Rental Agreement” and the “Aircraft Checkout Form.” Once that is completed, we will provide you with access to our online scheduling platform (Flight Schedule Pro).